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Preserving the Past for the Future

As reported in the November 17, 1903 Ankeny Times, "The Opera Troupe from Polk City that presented Dot, The Miner's Daughter, was certainly well-received and presented their beautiful drama in a way that would put many professionals in the rear. . . "

Over 100 years later, the Big Creek Players was formed to carry on the tradition of the Polk City Opera Troupe. We have not performed Dot, The Miner's Daughter, although we are in search of the script. We do have a portfolio of five one-act plays. Four of the plays cover periods of Polk City history:

The Early Days of Polk City (1840-1870)
Polk City Survives the Great Depression (1915-1945)
The Hysterical Society
Spirits of Polk City (stories of  Polk City's women pioneers)
Death of a Mayor (Polk City history 1882)

The Hysterical Society is a comedy about the ordinary volunteer group.

We have enjoyed great reviews from our audiences. We enjoy having Miller Hall as our home base. The group has performed at many venues including the Living History Farms. We travel well.

We thoroughly enjoy acting out the history of the Polk City area and getting a few laughs while doing so. Our performances are presented for a free-will offering. If you would like the Big Creek Players to perform any or all of the plays for your event or group, please contact BCHS.
